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The magic of walking in nature

The magic of walking in nature

By Bella

If you are part of my tribe there is a good chance that you know how much I love exercise – it is a vital part of me living a holistic lifestyle and keeps me feeling in flow. But I understand that there are some very strange humans out there who do not have a love affair with exercise like I do. The thing is…exercise really is essential to staying healthy and strong + it keeps our mental wellbeing in good shape as it releases happy endorphin’s.

So if you don’t love exercise, how do you get motivated to do it? My best advice is to try walking in nature. There are SO many positives that I challenge you NOT to fall in love with it!

Here’s a few reasons why I love, love, love it:

  • I love being outside in the fresh air
  • I love adventuring and discovering new things – like trying a new forest walk or hike
  • I love to incorporate a walk with catching up with a friend – kill 2 birds with 1 stone!
  • I love that sometimes it’s easy, if I am pressed for time or not feeling the best I can do a quick half hour around the block so I still get a bit of activity in without too much time or effort
  • I love that this form of exercise can be ‘incidental’. For example, we went to visit our family last weekend and they took us to the Hinze dam. We walked 5kms without even trying too hard just while we were exploring and enjoying the scenery!
  • It makes me feel better. If I am in a cranky mood I can promise you that I feel better every single time after I make myself get outside and get some fresh air, it gives me clarity when I step away for a while from whatever is going on for me.

I always recommend walking to people who find it hard to exercise or really hate it:


It is an excellent place to start if you are just starting a new exercise regime, even 10 minutes a day can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing.

Some additional tips to help you get motivated:

  • Start slowly – if you have not exercised for a while (or ever), start with 10 minutes a day and increase it by 5 minutes each week (more if you feel comfortable). In time you can start to add hills or mixed terrain if you want more of a challenge
  • Make it an adventure – get a map of your local area and pick out some places you have never been before then go and explore
  • Take note of your surroundings – notice everything and discover things you may not have noticed before in your area like houses, trees, wildlife, parks, waterways
  • Walk in places that are interesting – like the beach, the forest or a pretty track. It can help you get ‘lost in the moment’ and take away attention from the fact that you are ‘exercising’
  • Take a companion your child, your partner, a friend or the family dog. They can help distract you and also make your walk more enjoyable
  • Take your headphones – I personally like the sounds of nature, but some music – especially if it’s upbeat – can put a bit of extra spring in your step!

So there really is no excuse not to get outside and breath deeply of the fresh air, get some activity, find connection, feel revitalized and more energised. If you have any ~ let me know your favourite spots to go for a walk!

Love, Light & Blessings to you, Bella x

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